Rob Sheader brought a safety concept and plan designed to create awareness and new practices, starting from the bottom up. These efforts created a noticeable change in attitude and found more people believing in the new program and wanting to be a part of it. The result was significantly reduced accidents, reduced workers comp. premiums, and happier, healthier people. The positive results that are occurring make this manufacturing operation one of the safest in the State and in its industry. William M. Marcus Executive VP & Treasurer ABI
It has been a great journey with moments of frustration and despair and incredible uplifting moments of progress and success. The results speak for themselves and we are very pleased and very proud of them. What is harder to quantify is that this transition has helped us in solidifying a culture of transparency, trust and openness. It has supported breaking down walls between departments and functions and the results and benefits of this are much broader than ‘just’ the improvement process. Michel Merkx Corporate VP and General Manager. ABI
The renewal process, and the re-renewal process, have dramatically changed our culture from one of indifference around safety, to complete belief, ownership and accountability of safety first above all else (even before quality, service and cost). For a manufacturing environment, this change in culture is a true phenomenon. The re-renewal process has improved safety and even beyond, it has produced a culture of spirit, enthusiasm, cooperation and belief in each other. Bonnie Posnak V.P.H.R. ABI
Your expertise and knowledge guided our teams in developing a great health and safety improvement plan. More importantly your personality and understanding of human emotions and behaviors engaged and motivated the teams towards a common goal. Jean-Pierre Benoit Corporate VP and General
Manager. ABI Canada
This is the key to our success and without your commitment and willingness to confront long standing beliefs and practices with a new set of beliefs and practices our chance of meeting our long term objective would be slim. We are particularly impressed with the preparatory work and the actual Maintenance renewals in California, Mississippi, and Illinois. We look forward to the renewals in Pennsylvania and Canada. North American Plant Manager Group A.W.I.
Since introducing Improvement Through Spirit in our manufacturing division, we are a safer, better organized, better looking, happier and more productive organization. Our employees have embraced the programs and processes and are very proud of their accomplishments. Waste has reduced by 40% and productivity gains of over 20% have been achieved. Accidents have been reduced by 75%, reducing our Injury Liability Insurance costs by nearly 50%. Improvement Through Spirit has had, and continues to have far reaching impact on the performance of our Company. Greg Guynn V.P. Manufacturing Congoleum Corp.
We contacted Rob in the hope that he would be able to guide us as a church towards clarity regarding our purpose as a community of faith and our goals in ministry. I was very impressed with Rob's ability to bring out the vision that was already present within us. We are still profiting from the work we did with Rob as we strive to live in the mission and vision we formed as a congregation. I would definitely recommend him for any organization seeking clarity of purpose and solidarity in leadership. Pastor Ryan Wieland. Ridley Park UMC.
You have changed your world and many are better for it. Your legacy reaches out so much further than your production floor and is impacting the lives of people you will never meet, but who will benefit from what you have done.
Congratulations. Stay committed. You make a difference. With respect and admiration.
Doris Dicristina. SVP William H. Connolly & Co., LLC