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  • Do you need an experienced interim leader until you can find a suitable permanent replacement?

  • Are your production lines statistically capable of meeting the product specification?

  • Is your product cost structure too high for the market?

  • Is your manufacturing waste out of control?

  • Are you getting too many customer returns?

  • Do you need to improve productivity or machine capacity?

  • Does it take too long to get a new product to market?

  • Are your injury claims or your WC premiums too high?

  • Are days lost to injuries costing too much to cover?

  • Does your leadership team understand their role in the company objectives?

  • Do your supervisors and managers have the necessary skills to motivate and excite the workforce?

  • Is your union/management relationship confrontational rather than collaborative?

  • Is your entire organization knowledgeable and supportive if company goals and objectives?

  • Are your employees engaged and involved in the business?

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