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About us.

Since our inception, Risk Management Systems and the tools of Improvement Through Spirit© have been totally focused on culture sensitive transformational improvement.


Following retirement from a successful career as an Operations executive, Rob Sheader created Risk Management Systems LLC to leverage his skill set and experience.


Risk Management Systems LLC is a management consulting company specializing in the creation, management and improvement of business systems designed to manage risk, in any enterprise process. 


RMSLLC is built on a set of solid values and concentrated the new company on what he believes to be the key elements of business operations. 

Rob Sheader is also the creator and Owner of Improvement Through Spirit©, a collection of transformational tools that have their roots in the 1939 Coalmines of England

Prior to forming Risk Management Systems LLC, a management consulting company, Rob Sheader was the Global Vice President for American Biltrite, a global manufacturing company.  With responsibilities in USA, Europe and Asia he headed all manufacturing, engineering, supply chain, safety and environmental functions.  During this time, he personally directed transformational change in manufacturing, safety and health, quality, and employee enrichment processes.



Enjoying a successful career as an Operations executive. Skilled in management and leadership of union and non union businesses both domestic and international. New plant start up and business relocation experience in the USA Europe and China. Extensive international project management skills working across differing countries and cultures. Specializing in enterprise wide systems engineering to provide improvement techniques linked to daily managing tools that drive business contribution. Driving transformational change in production, supply chain and support functions of multiple plants both domestic and international delivering quick turnaround performance improvements.


Founder and Owner of Risk Management Systems LLC. A business support company specializing in the creation, management and improvement of systems designed to manage any risk, from waste through employee safety. Focusing on,   Employee Safety and Health - Product and Process Quality - Complex Project Management - Asset Care- Web Handling - Operations Management. 


Founder and Creator of Improvement Through Spirit©. An improvement process that actually works. A toolbox of transformational tools, to Renew spirit, refresh system, and remodel the setting. 

The Renewal Process© 

The Re-Renewal Process© 

The NP-Renewal Process© 

The E-Renewal Process© 

The BP-Renewal Process©


Used successfully to improve business performance in production, scheduling, maintenance, quality and safety processes in the USA, Europe and Asia.

Providing Global Business Improvement:

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